'The year is 2013 not
1813 so why do we have Zero Contracts and Agency workers?
I recently spoke to
some one who owns a Hairdressing Saloon who hired Zero Contract workers; this
is where the employees are not guaranteed any job security. She said that when
she has trainees in and they are no good she could say at the end of the shift
I do not need you anymore. The reason she does this is because it is so
difficult to sack incompetent staff, now if this true the law should change. It
should be easy to sack staffs that are incompetent but I believe the main
reason for Zero contract is for the business to make a profit without any duty
of care to the employee.
The Employment laws
laid down by the EU have become to much in favour of the employee and like most
laws people do not like they find a way around it hence Zero Contract and
Agency Work. Because of the EU employment laws the British Worker is being
penalised. Another way to shaft the worker is to give the workers a minimum
hours contract i.e. 20 hours per week but tell them there is always overtime
available. A major supermarket chain that appeared in the Sittingbourne area,
the same company who said that local people would be employed then took on a
25% foreign labour and purchased houses for them, well so I am told by the
local workforce but our local politicians deny this? The minimum hours contract
was good all the time overtime was available but suddenly the overtime was stopped
instead of getting rid of foreign workers they cut the Brits hours down to
level where they could no longer afford to work they either had to go on the
dole or have tops up from the government
It seems that the
government have to top up all those on low wages this obviously helps those low
paid workers but it benefits the employers even more especially the very big
companies, the same companies who pay accountants to avoid paying their fair
share of taxes. A source of Cheap labour sponsored by the government to make
bigger profit for the companies and the shareholders
Here is a suggestion do
away with Zero contract only, all agencies to exist if they employ people on a
proper contract and change the employment laws to make it easy to remove an
inefficient, lazy, incompetent employee. Bring the minimum wage up to £10 an
hour, this will relieve the taxpayer and decreasing employers and companies
profits, make them pay the true value of their labour and of course stop low
paid foreign workers. He must be mad to suggest this as prices will go through
the roof? Well yes they will but people will learn to be more frugal with their
money, instead of having a throw away society we will start to return to the
days where we had items repaired rather then buy a new one, we would learn how
to cook with raw ingredients and stop buying take-away or pre made meals, we
will repair our cloths, get our shoes repaired etc., etc. this will make us
healthy become less of a burden on the NHS and save the county money and we
would help the environment with less waste. You still do not agree well let me
finish by saying how long before the big companies profits start to fall and
then they would have to bring down their prices to a competitive level.
Something needs to be
done as this country is falling into oblivion
The Secular Society
attitude of selfishness and thinking only of oneself has increased over the
years, what has happened to the Christian value of helping others? There is
nothing wrong in making a profit and having money but why can not some of these
multinationals start saying our profits are getting bigger, why not involve the
workforce in some of the benefits of your success? NO these have no loyalty to
country or their workers or come to that humanity. Their God, Country and
loyalty is their company only
I had to laugh at the
PC Brigade criticising someone because they said of someone who was of an ethnic
extraction that they were of an ethnic extraction
I'm today's comedy racist': UKIP spin doctor
sparks controversy after referring to journalist 'of some form of ethnic
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