Tuesday, April 25, 2017

The Leader of SBC is being attacked

The Leader of Swale Borough Council Andrew Bowles has come under attack from The Gossip Board and the ME Post code Group. I have known Andrew for over 30 years I classify him as a friend and Excellent Councillor and Leader in over 30 years he has dedicated his life to SBC. Now that is no reason why his Policies should not be attacked it is the duty of us all to question our Politicians BUT what I find wrong is when is when they attack politicians personally rather then their policy and make false accusations without any evidence.
For example I notice this was happening a lot and when I said “Criticize what they do Not who they are” I was questioned by Mark Foster (No fan of Andrew) asking  “Who's doing that then Martin?” I gave an example of one of is contributors who suggested that Andrew was lining his own pocket. I had already asked the contributor to come up with proof but no reply, Instead of Mark Foster condemning this contributor his reply was “so stop pointing the finger and posting here please” Needless to say the offending thread has been removed as was my full reply naming the person and of course I have now been blocked. As I say in my thread Truth Hurts

Martin William Clarke No Councillor of any party does the Job for money. They do it because they believe in their cause. I completely appose Roger Trueloves Politics but I respect him for doing the Job he at least stands up to be counted as do other Councillors

I have looked at Andrew Allowance which is approx. £25,000 according to SBC site Now the leader of the Council is a full time Job he does on Average 40 - 45 hours a week for SBC so lets compare: SBC Chief Executive £145,000 SBC Head of department £75,000 Senior Manager £50,000. I have looked on Google and the average pay for a Tradesman is £30,000 ( I know many who are on more) Head Teacher £55,700 (according to a National Newspaper some are on £100,000)  MP £74,000. Would any of these do SBC Leaders Job for the money I doubt it
Those who moan the most never offer to put themselves up for election and maybe become Leader?

Darren Hilburn hes an elected representative Martin William Clarke , a public servant, by very definition we have every right to criticise how good they are at that job.
Like · Reply · 4 · 11 hrs
Martin William Clarke Criticize what they do Not who they are
Mark Foster Who's doing that then Martin.?
Andy Cooper I've looked on both Sittingbourne.me and this comment thread and I can find no such comment. Am I missing something or is this just more 'fake news'?
Like · Reply · 2 · 11 hrs
Mark Foster Neither can I Andy Cooper it seems Martin needs to get his facts right before accusing on this group
Martin William Clarke Have a look before it is removed (My reply naming names was removed)
Andy Cooper Ah but in a different thread! Sneaky!
Mark Foster Not on my site.....so stop pointing the finger and posting here please
Martin William Clarke Truth hurts by all means block me
Mark Foster Happy to oblige... Blocked

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