Friday, August 19, 2016

Athletes get paid

Description: aul O'Neill
Paul O'Neill They do get paid a living wage to be competitive athletes though and have the back up of all the systems in British sport medical psychological administration... so not exactly just cut and dried in that
Like · Reply · 2 · 1 hr
Description: ndrew Bell
Andrew Bell I don't think they should get a penny for medals. They're doing it for the honour and their country.
Like · Reply · 24 mins
Description: ichael Dargan
Michael Dargan Okay but most of those competitors as you put it, have to fund themselves to qualify. So it's easy to judge and dismiss them I guess. They also put a damn lot of work to get to the top of their game, which means they don't get to live a normal life. So really do I think they should get a bonus damn right!!! If our footballers get paid a huge sum to splash against the wall, am I going to begrudge real athletes from getting a pay day?! Nope :)
Like · Reply · 18 mins
Description: artin William Clarke
Martin William Clarke Football is a money making business that is why they are paid a lot. To become an Olympic Athlete you have to be a full time Time athlete sadly the world of the Amateur Olympian who works and trains has passed. Many Olympians become extremely rich because of their achievement (Why not) and sometime from sports that produced millionaires i.e Tennis Golf Some come from Sports which have money i.e equestrian etc these are not the same as say Boxing, Judo, shooting etc but I doubt if many of the British Medallist are self funded The question: is Tax payers money to produce Elite sportsman the correct way to get more people involved in Sport? I must say for a relatively small Island to produce so many medallists must tell the rest of the world something about our Elite system also proves that the British People can survive by themselves that is why we are leaving the EU.

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