Monday, February 19, 2007


In October of last year I wrote a piece about being refused advertising space in a local newspaper because I wanted to advertise my Flats to Let for British Subjects only, I have reproduced below. At the same time I sent a copy to the East Kent Gazette which printed it some 3 months later, I have for over two decades been writing letters to local and national newspapers but this one proved to be the most popular of all. Telephone calls, letters, emails and people stopping me in the street to congratulate me on the letter I felt quite a celebrity and only because I put into words what most people were thinking.
Since that letter I have found out This government has also introduced a law - the empty dwelling management order - that allows homes which have been uninhabited for six months or more to be taken over by the local authority and leased out to someone else. Do I hear the sound of Communist and Fascist Jack Boots, can you hear the Council Officials saying, as they tear down your property door “ I am only obeying orders”
Next I had a telephone call from a Polish Lady who asked to rent a flat I told her I had none and would only rent out to British Subjects, she asked why? Firstly I said that is what I want and secondly I said I required a CRB check, she maintained that she had to have one for her present employer as had permanent residence for three years! So was I wrong only British Subject could get a CRB check the answer is yes I was or was I?
It seems that you can get a CRB if you are permanent resident in the UK but only from the time you were first granted residency so in the case of the Polish lady this would only go back three years, before that you have to go their embassy who will tell you if they are good citizen as the majority of these countries do not have a CRB equivalent there can be no guarantees.
I wonder how many organisations, schools and businesses have people working for them who have an inadequate CRB check, I think you will agree that it brings the whole CRB into question. I will continue to ask for a British Passport and check how long they have lived in this country for safety sake.

Martin Clarke East Street Sittingbourne

To Whom it may concernAs a owner of flats and bedsits I am very particular who I allow to rent my properties so I phrase my adverts in such away that I only get the right tenant. This sometimes takes time but most of my tenants become long-term residentsWith a big shortfall in housing I decided to invest in converting part of my Martial Arts Centre, the centre is a large old church, these flats are now finished so I approached the local newspapers to advertise. Part of my advert was “British Subjects Only” I was told to include this would be illegal as it was considered racist and I was quoted the following from the Race Relations Act.:HousingIt is unlawful for anyone selling, letting or managing property (including business premises) to discriminate in any of the following ways:in the terms on which a person are offered the premisesby refusing to let a person buy the premisesby treating a person differently from others who want to buy or rentby refusing to transfer a lease to someoneby refusing access to any benefits or facilities at the premisesby evicting you or subjecting a person to other disadvantagesMy first question was how am I being racist? A British Subject can be someone of any colour or race!Why would I want to put restrictions on who I want?1) I do not want any criminals in my property someone who has entered this country illegally is a criminal.2) I am looking for tenants who will be long term, these foreign workers, so we are told by the government, will only be here for a short term a transient work force.3) I do not want potential terrorists renting my accommodation, if the government cannot keep a check on people entering this country how can I?4) As by law I have to give them a rental agreement they will have to read English5) But most importantly of all as I have a Martial Arts Club in part of the building, so I have a duty of care if not a legal duty to the children who use the Club. So if I have doubts on anyone I can ask for a Criminal Records Bureaux check to see if they have any criminal records or if they are a threat to the children. How can I make a CRB check on some one who is not a British Subject? Since this government came into power in 1997 immigration has spiralled out of control but more importantly there is no check on the status of people who enter this country legally or illegally so murderers, paedophiles etc are coming into this country in there thousands.Whether it is legal or not I intend to keep on making stringent checks on my tenants, the safety of the children is much more important then some Politically Correct law.I wonder what ever happened to the English’s freedom of speech, association and choice. These are my flats I receive no government aid only hindrance, I should have who I like in my property, if this was a free country I would.

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