Monday, June 30, 2008


I am not a great one to go out to Pubs, our Young Judo Club has its own Bar so never found the need but over the last few months I have occasionally gone to various pubs for a drink with the rubbish that’s on TV on Saturdays one can understand why. The High Street Pubs seem full of youngsters, TV’s, Fruit Machines, with the youngsters shouting, swearing and just get as drunk as possible so not for me. My main problem is swearing I was brought up in a generation that did not allow men to swear in front of women or children, if you were in the company of men only swearing was considered OK although my brother see no need for it at all. If a women walked into a Bar the landlord would say “Lady in Bar” and the language would be moderated. Now the youngsters tell me I am old fashioned it is OK to use the foulest of language in conversation no matter where you are and as loud as you like! Our English teacher Mr Jarrett used to say back in the sixties Swearing was for people with a very low vocabulary, I also used think if swearing is used very little it would have more of an impact when used.
So what brought me on to this subject well some time ago I had a guy come into my Bar at the Judo Club and all he kept doing was using the F Word I asked him to stop because my wife was in the Bar his retort was “Who she think she is the Queen” I replied she did not think nothing of the kind but in my eyes she was and I suggested he leave his drink on the Bar and leave very quickly which he did. On Saturday I was sitting with my Brother and my wife in a nice new Bar just outside Sittingbourne it had a little piped music no TV no slot machines and you could have an actual conversation without shouting. The ambience was ruined when 4 chaps in their mid to late twenties came in and started using every swear word in the dictionary after 10 minutes my brother asked them in a polite manner to moderate their language this they did then came the sarcastic remarks one really amused me “surely its my human right to say what I want “ after a few moment s I got up and walked over to them saying we had been polite to them and would hope that they would precipitate which they did I am sure my size had nothing to do with the fact they agreed.

So it now seems that I am in the wrong because I may infringe some ones Human Rights if I ask them to stop being rude, vulgar and course. What a Country GB has become

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