Tuesday, July 26, 2011

More Caravan treats

My latest trip was to Romney Farm Site a nice site on the Romney Marsh, my mistake was to go when the kids were holiday the site was full of campers, some of theses tents are as big as a small bungalow. I lose my temper putting the caravan awning up let alone one of these monsters, one guy next to my pitch took 2 hours to erect his tent and he stopped one night!!

It the kids they do nothing quietly but it’s the screaming and crying which goes through me and 99% of the time they cry and scream because they do not get their own way and when they want mum its”MUM” top of their voices even if they are 100 yards away and if mum hears them she shouts back “get over here I am not shouting”. My granddaughter stayed with us and as soon as that happened we were swamped with Kids who thought they could enter our Caravan when they pleased and if we gave our grand child sweets or ice cream the rest demanded some as well and I mean demanded “Err Mister Granddad I want one of those” they soon got the Clarkee growl.

These campers seem to come in a flock we had a two tents full of teenagers and their parents who would insist on playing cricket and wondered why I chastised when there ball hit our Caravan “sorry its only a tennis ball” I kept quite calm and told them to use their common sense NO I did not threaten to rip their heads off if the ball touched my caravan again.

So I will go to adult only sites during the School holidays and will keep away from camping sites.

Just before we set out we met a Mobile Caravan Service, we got chatting and he had a quick look round our van. He told us that it is illegal for you to have tyres that are more the 5 years old (they have a date on the wall) and the gas rubber pipe has to change at regular intervals by law, if you do not comply your insurance is invalid mine run out the end of the year cost £250. Now are we expected to believe all those old caravans have up to date tyres? What about the Travellers and Pikeys I expect they have their caravans are checked on a regular basis! My experience with the caravan insurance company tells me to renew them. With fuel going through the roof and all these regulation Caravanning is not such a cheap option especially as the caravan sites will pass on the 18% electric and gas increases.

My daughter Susan will be using the caravan beginning of August she and her friend with 4 kids will staying in it, what a shame I can not be there with them!!

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