Saturday, September 08, 2007

PIKEY & Hells kitchen

I rather enjoy the programme “Hell’s Kitchen” it was quite interesting seeing celebratees (most of whom I have never heard of) trying to cope with proper work. What I find insulting, annoying and completely unnecessary is the continual swearing but I was gob smacked when someone named Lee from a Boy band Blue complained about “a pikey kitchen” with reference to the word Pikey which is a derogatory name for Gypsy , this remark has made the newspapers and the Commission for Racial Equality who have asked the chef to apologise. Well Chef Marco DON’T most of us use the word PIKEY to refer to those individuals who travel the roads in beat up Caravans, leaving a mess where ever they go, abuse the benefit system, steal and generally make a nuisance of themselves, some maybe travellers but more often then not they are the dregs of society. They are certainly not proper travellers or true gypsies. A Pikey Picnic is where everything that has been obtained or purloined during the day is thrown together as a meal
What is more interesting this rather immature individual Lee was upset by the term Pikey but was continually using bad language, derogatory gestures and remarks to fellow inmates, I note no one wants an apology from him any way what happened on to “Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me”
It is interesting that in most of these programmes they have the “Token Homo” and one that is extraordinarily camp, this programme we have a Militant Poof (poof is a homosexual who is extrovert and camp, parades his sexuality when ever he can, it does not refer to Homosexuals in general) Although these type of men are comical to watch when they mince about the TV but I would have thought that the wider Homosexual community would find them insulting. I still can not understand what a person’s sexuality has to do with running a Kitchen maybe some one can tell me.

Martin Clarke Sittingbourne

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